Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 4

Day 4 - A picture of your favorite night.

My favorite night was probably the night I came home from my mission to Brazil.

Don't get me wrong- it was a very hard night. I had been in Brazil for 2 years. I made a lot of friends and had learned so much about Brazil, how to live with other people, and most of all how to be who I know I need to be. I was with people I had learned to love more than myself. My two years were two years of selfless service, and through that service I came to love people that had moments before been completely strangers. I spoke with murderers, homeless, politicians, and I felt the love for them that comes through service. With so much that I had learned, my two years ended, and I started the first day of the rest of my life.

I was so happy to see my family again. The long night of flying to the United States brought me back to the U.S. slowly. At the São Paulo airport I started hearing English spoken among the public for the first time in years. On the airplane I saw american TV again. As I landed in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas airport I heard a hearty Texan-accented man bellow "Welcome back to the United States, son!"

I saw this sign and nearly cried with emotion:
Then I saw THIS picture and I knew I was home:

I'll never forget the friends and amazing people I left in Brazil. I'm still excited for the rest of my life that I'm now living, which started the 23rd of July, 2009.

Friday, February 11, 2011

If you know me, you knew this already.

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.


I love this show! It's the only show I've ever kept up with since the previews announcing its pilot. I can watch any episode over and over again, and still laugh at what's going on. Some of my favorite quotes:

  • "Gus, don't be exactly half of an 11 pound Black Forrest ham!"
  • "Gus, don't be a silly goose!"
  • "Gus, don't be the American adaptation of the British Gus."
  • "Gus, don't be this crevice in my arm!"
  • "Gus, don't be Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Marzipan!" "...that's 'Azkaban'." "I've heard it both ways."
  • "Mr. Guster? There's a Lt. Crunch here to see you." "...actually, I've just been promoted. Now it's 'Capitan Crunch'."
  • "Oh, you mean my pilot's license? That's out back in the Cessna. Or perhaps you're referring to my license to kill. Revoked. Trouble at the Kazakhstan border. I could give you the details but then I'd have to kill you, which I can't do because my license to kill has been revoked."
  • (After drinking scalding hot coffee) "...It's not to hot for me."
  • Karen Vick: It goes without saying, Mr. Spencer, that your father is in no way to participate in this investigation. He's no longer on the force, and his meddling could compromise the case in court. Do I make myself clear?
    Shawn Spencer: Yes, you do, Chief. What isn't clear is why people always say "goes without saying," yet still feel compelled to say the thing that was supposed to go without saying. Doesn't that bother you?
    Karen Vick: No, and frankly, I could care less.
    Burton 'Gus' Guster: Now, that's the one that bothers me. Why do people say, 'I could care less' when they really mean, 'I couldn't care less?'
    Karen Vick: Well, why don't you tell me how to properly say this? If you share any official information about this case with your father, or let him anywhere near any new evidence, then the two of you will have to find another police department to work for, and I will personally see to it that each of you is charged with obstruction of justice.
    Burton 'Gus' Guster: You split an infinitive.
    Shawn Spencer: Good catch, Gus!
    Karen Vick: You two realize I carry a gun, right?
    Burton 'Gus' Guster: That was perfectly elocuted.
  • "It doesn't matter- all my plans stank." "Stunk." "Stank!" "STUNK!" "...Stinkited?"
If I'm ever in a bad mood- sit me down and make me watch psych. I will get better, I promise.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Day 02 - A picture of you and someone you used to be close with.

This is Bruno Monteiro and me (not in that order). He was one of my companions when I was a missionary down in Brazil. He lives in Belo Horizonte now. We were THIS awesome: 

He was funny, helped me with my Portuguese, really patient, and always willing to try new things. He's one of the reasons I miss Brazil. Here's to you, Bruno! Beijo na bunda!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I apologize. Oh wait- no I don't. Day 1.

New fad- I have no idea where it comes from. Everyone is doing something different every day on their blog. I saw it and at first thought "I'll never do that! I'm not that self-centered- I would never expect people to care about how I view myself." but then I remembered- That's actually the whole purpose for having a blog. It's like Myspace, minus the whiny 13 year olds and the pedophiles (....hopefully...).

Anyway, here comes the band-wagon!

Day 1
A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

  1. I grew up in a town of about 400 people in Oregon.
  2. My name comes from some guy my Mom went on at least one date with. I've never met him, but I think it'd be interesting to shake the guy's hand and tell him that I'm named after him.
  3. I am the proud owner of a 3-ring-binder that once belonged to Martin Short's nephew's best friend.
  4. I've flown and landed airplanes, and got within 5 points of getting a scholarship that would get me my training for my pilot's license- for free.
  5. I stopped trying to get my pilot's license after my flight instructor died in a plan crash. (R.I.P. Paul Linck)
  6. I can do this:
  7. I served a two-year mission in São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil.
  8. I speak 4 languages- English, Spanish, Portuguese, and ASL
  9. I'm annoyed by people who say "I'm just sayin'"
  10. I once fainted while driving. No one was hurt.
  11. I was born in Atlanta, GA
  12. I once won a contest from Lego to win a $100 Lego set.
  13. I once totaled a car without being inside of it- I drained the oil without putting any back in.
  14. Sometimes I just crave pickles- dill or bread and butter; it doesn't matter which.
  15. I can flip my pen around my fingers. I do it when I'm bored.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Some things really confuse me.

For example, Platypuses.

But something far more important: beefsteak.

I know what steak is. It is delicious.
I know what beef is. Also delicious.


But not everything that is delicious is beef or steak. They are kinds of meat with their own subcategories: you have sirloin steak, and ground beef- not sirloin beef and ground steak. But apparently you can put both together to make beefsteak?

Is it actually a blend of beef meat and steak meat? Is it beef cut to look like beef, or beef cut to look like steak? Does it come from the part of the cow that borders the beef cut and the steak cut? WHAT IS IT???

But then it goes on. I found a curious object in my girlfriend's apartment.