Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 4

Day 4 - A picture of your favorite night.

My favorite night was probably the night I came home from my mission to Brazil.

Don't get me wrong- it was a very hard night. I had been in Brazil for 2 years. I made a lot of friends and had learned so much about Brazil, how to live with other people, and most of all how to be who I know I need to be. I was with people I had learned to love more than myself. My two years were two years of selfless service, and through that service I came to love people that had moments before been completely strangers. I spoke with murderers, homeless, politicians, and I felt the love for them that comes through service. With so much that I had learned, my two years ended, and I started the first day of the rest of my life.

I was so happy to see my family again. The long night of flying to the United States brought me back to the U.S. slowly. At the São Paulo airport I started hearing English spoken among the public for the first time in years. On the airplane I saw american TV again. As I landed in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas airport I heard a hearty Texan-accented man bellow "Welcome back to the United States, son!"

I saw this sign and nearly cried with emotion:
Then I saw THIS picture and I knew I was home:

I'll never forget the friends and amazing people I left in Brazil. I'm still excited for the rest of my life that I'm now living, which started the 23rd of July, 2009.

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