Monday, January 3, 2011

Why I'll never be married- Part 2

So, I accepted that it wasn't an emergency- at least it wasn't a life/death thing. It was more of just my pride and reputation that were suffering. And even worse, my girlfriend was coming to see me after walking in the bitter cold. And once she gets here, she's going to see the proof that I am indeed an idiot. Crap.

Alright, so Police aren't going to help. Now what? Well, they suggested a tow truck company. I texted "towing 84604" to google, and got a good phone number. I talked with a nice man who wanted my money. Here's the conversation:

"Hi! My name is Trent. I... uh... kinda locked myself out of my car. Can you help?"
"Yep! We'd love to. Where are you located?"
"800 N 150 W Provo, UT"
"Okay, I'll see if I have a car nearby that can come. But first- can you tell me what kind of car it is?"
"Sure... maybe... eh? Well, maybe not... See, it's my girlfriend's car. Calling her was kind of embarrassing, by the way. But anyway, it's a Dae Woo... something. 4 door 5 passenger cream colored."
"Ha ha! That's alright- sure. I'll just see if anyone's nearby. Can you hold?"
"...yeah! I'll hold."
"k- just a sec."


"...Hi- you there?" [This made me think of a funny story once told to me by Mr. Iken in High School- remind me to tell it to you later]
"Okay, so I have someone that should be there in 1/2 an hour. So it will cost you about s-[BEEP- INCOMING CALL! NADIA'S CALLING]-ive dollars. But, just with company policy, I need to get your credit card information. Could I get the 16 on the front?"
"16? No, the number starts with... oh! You mean the 16 digit number! Yeah, sorry- got it. [GAVE CREDIT CARD INFO]"
"Alright, we'll have someone  there shortly!"
"Thanks! Bye!"

I had no idea how much he was going to charge me. At this point I had no pride, and just thought "To heck with it. Whatever the price is, I deserve to just pay it." Oh, wait- Nadia called me. Yeah- call her back!

"Hi Nadia!"
"[Teeth chattering] ...Hi! Wh-wh-where did you p-p-park the car?"
"It's about a block south of my apartment. If you get to 800 N I'll see you."
"Ok-k-k-ay, I'll see you later!"

More shivering, more freezing, etc. until I see a short girl in a brown jacket walking on the street. No other soul had I seen walking in the freezing weather but me, and her. Yep, it had to be her. If not to be with their stupid boyfriend, who else would be silly enough to brave the cold to be out on this street at this hour?

Nadia came over, and verified that I had, indeed, managed to lock myself out of her car. She actually... wasn't mad. Nope- not at all. She just gave me the look that says "You're such a dork." The only plus to this whole situation was that she noticed how cold I was, and she hugged me to keep me warm. :) Even with her keeping me from freezing to death, though, it was COLD! I can honestly say that I can't remember the last time I was that cold. I can't remember how many times I asked "Where IS that truck?" It seemed to take a long time. It was probably only 30 minutes, but the cold made it so much longer!

FINALLY the truck came. I doubt he had a hard time because
  1. We were the only people looking for a Tow-truck
  2. We were the only people that looked like they were cold
  3. We were staring directly at the tow truck
  4. We were the only people on the entire street
  5. I was the only idiot on the street.
Mr. Tow Truck man pulled a U-Turn and parked behind us. His window was open. His WINDOW WAS OPEN? What the- did he not know how COLD it was??? We were excited to finally get help! The car's heater had been running for about an hour, now, so it had to be warm. We were litterally just a window's thickness from the warm heaven that awaited us. We were so close- and our savior from the cold had arrived! He parked, and... wait, what's this? Lit up a cigarette. Wait, really? Come on! We're FREEZING!

So, we waited. We started awkwardly at the smoking hero, and he finally came out without his tabacco.

"Hi!" he said "you must be the guy that locked his keys in the car with the car running?"
What, did he see anyone else on the street who was standing in the cold by a car with exhaust coming out of the tailpipe?
"Yep- that's me!"

He pulled out some toys, and got to work. He pulled out a plastic bladder, fit it between the door and the frame, and filled it with air to open the door a crack. Then he pulled out a plastic stick that was bent at an angle, fit it in the crack, and tried to grab the locking knob  to unlock it (Yes, "locking knob" is the real term for it. I looked it up on google. If you don't know what I'm talking about, see picture below).

And actually- what's that all about? "Locking knob"? Didn't people have any other creative ideas for the official name for this part? Consider some of the aweome names for car parts: "Engine", "carburetor", "double intake valve", "differential"- and "locking knob"? If we ever get the chance to officially rename the locking knob, I have my own suggestions: "Lock Notifier", "Automobile Hull locker", or even just "locking button" seems to be slightly better.

Anyway, It didn't work. The locking knob was stuck. So he tried something else- Stick a coat hanger in through the bottom of the window and try to pull up the part of the locking mechanism that unlocks the car. That didn't work either. He stopped, tried the same thing on a different window and said
"Huh. I've never had a lock give me that much trouble before."

I admit it, at this point I got excited. My logic was thus: "Okay, so if he can't get it unlocked, he looks stupid too. Plus, they can't charge me money if they don't unlock it, right? And if he can't get it unlocked, I think I can get the police to come. I mean, they referred me to the towing people, right? I can call back and say 'Uh... that didn't work. What else would you suggest?'. Then I don't pay anything, I get the cops to do what I want, and I don't look so much like an idiot!"

My logic was shattered when the tow truck man said "I'm going to try something I've never done before. I'm going to open the window."

Wait- this guy's a professional, right? How did he not even think about opening the... oh, wait. The windows were automatic. The only way rolling down the windows with his plastic stick would work is if the car was running. And in all the years of this guys professional life, he's only had one idiot who locked the keys in his car- while the car was running. And yep- that idiot was me.

Needless to say, he got the window opened without any problems. He simply pressed a button, and the window went down. Somehow after all that time freezing and worrying, that seemed like such a lame and anticlimactic way of solving the problem.

So then Trent and Nadia hopped in the car, made it to the temple, and laughed about the whole thing. The end.

NOPE! The story gets better. Stay tuned for part 3.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh!! There's still a part 3? Don't leave me in suspense!

    P.S. I'm glad the door got unlocked!!
