Monday, December 13, 2010

If I'm ever killed at work, this will be why.

I sometimes work for 10 hours a day. That's totally okay with me, because that means that I get more $$$  to buy more toys (or food- whichever I'm craving more).

But that also has a down-side; sometimes I have to use the bathroom at work.

Now, normally, I don't complain. I've been using the bathroom for just about my whole life, and I've become what I consider to be somewhat of a pro at using the bathroom. But just as any professional-level male urinator knows, some meathods are different for different locations.

Now, that being said- GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER, sicko! I simply mean that when you really, really, really have to go, you go from point A (where you are when you notice you need to pee) to point B (The urinal) in as close to a straight line as possible.

Now I introduce the work-related awkward part. Here is a map of the layout of the men's room at work:

Now then, here's the weird part. Notice the small space between turning the corner and the urinal. In order to get to the urinal to relieve yourself of great pressure, you actually don't SEE the urinal until you're THERE. Now, normally that isn't a problem- you usally have to see the urinal before you use it. But what if there's somebody there, using it already?

Ah- see THERE'S the problem. While rushing to use the urinal, you have a very good chance of bumping into someone from behind who is ALREADY USING THE URINAL.

This situation is awkward for everyone. Either you're the one who bumps into the pee-er in progress, or you're the pee-er in progress who is then bumped into physical contact with the urinal (for anyone who didn't know already- that's a big sanitary "no-no"). The more of a rush you are in, the worst the situation is.

So I know what you're thinking- "Well, then DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!!". So let me tell you what I'm thinking: "I only get ONE break every work day. I can't go to the bathroom twice without penalties, so I better make my one time count."

Worst case scenario, I run into this guy when he's busy with the urinal:

Man, I hate that guy. He's the fool x infinity.


  1. I'm pretty sure bathroom breaks don't count as your one break. I mean, just think, if you were pregnant, there's no way you could make it 10 hours only going once!

  2. If I were pregnant, there's no way I could make it- at all. I would probably die. Especially since I lack the organs that make pregnancy possible! :P

    I know what you're saying. But even if I were (female and) pregnant, they track how often you're logged into the computers and available taking calls. They can't punish you for using the bathroom more, but that would still make your stats go down, and make you less qualified for a raise. Of course, that doesn't matter any more since I'm being laid off anyway...
