Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The most anti-racist moment of my life.

Yesterday after class I was hungry. Feeling particularly cultural, I went to eat the most exotic food our campus has to offer- Teriyaki Stix's Orange Chicken bowl.

Now, I know what you're thinking- "That's not exotic! It was made in the U.S. with U.S. ingredients and probably even by following a U.S. recipe created by the U.S.-born owner!"*. That's because you're assuming that I was eating it in an american manner. Truth be told, I ate them with chopsticks. There, that detail just changed everything, didn't it?

I grabbed my bowl and headed over to another building where my girlfriend was working on homework. As I sat down next to her I realized the value of the moment. I wasn't just being influenced by the Japanese culture at that moment- I was reaching out to several cultures all in that moment!

The list:
1) I was listening to Coldplay on my .mp3 player- From the U.K.
2) I was talking to my girlfriend- who is from PERU.
3) I was sitting in Provo, UT- An entirely different culture on its own.
4) The keychain on my backpack- has the CANADA flag on it
5) I was using a laptop- came from TAIWAN
5.1) ...That has "Starcraft" on it- a major past for the youth in KOREA

She hates it when I do it, but just to add more to the list:
6) I started speaking Portuguese to my girlfriend- a major language in BRAZIL and PORTUGAL (Portuguese, I mean. My girlfriend is not a major language in Brazil or Portugal).

And then I thought, "Why am I eating?", which led me to:
7) I was eating because I was - "HUNGARY"

(Okay, stupid pun. I apologize for it, but:
8) the fact is that my love for puns comes from the two years I spent- in BRAZIL (again))

And finally just because I knew it had to be true, I checked.
9) My Ocean Current jacket and my Converse shoes were made- in CHINA

*To tell you the truth, I have no idea where the owner of Teriyaki Stix was born. But let's face it- that is what you were thinking, and you don't even know where the owner was born.

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